One Step Closer

One Step Closer

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Well today was a great day! Nate was on a Military leave/break thing for a bit so he came up to Logan to hangout with us today. He brought his lovely Swedish girlfriend, which we all like. We had a great time, we just chatted and caught up on each others life, especially Nate's and his experiences in the military.

I'll be honest, i could never endure and take what these guys dish out, so high respects for Nate on that. Especially the punishments. Nate was telling us about how he had to do intense 20 minute training/punishment over crossing his legs wrong. They make him go to a dirt pit, and do various, strenuous commands for 20 minutes. It sounds awful and how they treat you like dirt. Bleh.

Megan, Mel, Nate and his gf, and I went to the mall, chilled out and fed the ducks at 1st dam, and we finished our hangout at Rumbi (which was delicious i might say). All and all I had a great time hanging out with Nate. Hopefully we will be able to hangout with him again when he comes back for another break.

On sadder news, Megan E messed up her ankle while she was skateboarding so I had to drop off Megan K at the hospital to keep an eye on her. I hope all is well for Megan E. Oh actually just got a txt. She had a bone chip, sound gross and kinda painful. Well hope she gets well soon!
Oh! and I've fallen in love with country music! Especially with this dude Hunter Haynes music. His stuff is awesome, and it is the country i like to listen to.

- I Want You to Feel Wanted.

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