One Step Closer

One Step Closer

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Attempt at Moosic.... Dev. The Ep.

Well.... after a good somewhat inspiring weekend.  I threw together my own little ep.  It's just a start and would love to keep making more.  let me know what you think.  I love songs with beats, and luckily, my loop pedal allowed me to loop some beat boxing beats with my guitar.  Giving my songs some sense of ground and rhythm.   It's kinda rough... but i enjoy the sound.  If you really, really, REALLY like it ... don't be afraid to buy it. It's like what,  $2? ... i say its worth it haha. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So, I'm pretty sure that many of ya'll have heard of Christina Aguilera.  Just a heads up, she is releasing a new album in a couple of days.  It comes out November 13, so next week.  It is titled Lotus.  I kinda liked her background behind the album.  But overall, the sound is very pop/dance.  Her vocals are killer, she's got a voice that needs not fixing.  From what i heard I like the direction she's going.  I would honestly love to see her going more mature and more classic sound instead of targeting the younger crowd.  But I'll give you an up to date when it actually comes out!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Advice, Don't Sell Your Soul... to anything

Ugh still currently trying to recover from one craaaazy night in the Forsaken Rec Center.  I worked for 18 hours straight at that place yesterday.  Now my feet are paying the price now.  So there are 2 things I learned from my experience.

  1. Don't walk around barefoot.
  2. Don't Sell Your Soul to Your Job
Fortunately i was getting paid for the misery and sweat i was shedding, so I made some decent cha-ching.  I just feel like spiting about how ridiculous the experience was.  But being the kind and caring blogger ... and being lazy, I don't feel like exploding about my long day in brutal detailing.  So, yes, you have been saved a half hour of reading my pointless blog. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ellie Goulding

Okay, who doesn't love Ellie Goulding? That's right, no one.  Have you bought her new album? Halcyon? I did, so should you. 

The Busy, Yet Good Day

Been pretty busy with work ... ugh don't get me started.  Too late, ever since i sold my soul to the Recreation Center i work at I've been practically living there ... but getting paid for it so thats nice.  I Head Guard as well as Coach the swim team (yes, got a promotion!! ^^) and i really enjoy my job.  I love the social aspect of my job, working and hanging out with kids my age and making tons of friends.  Tho the management is nothing more the a bunch of power hungry, soul sucking twenty year olds who get their kick from making us miserable.  But other then those ghouls I'm doing pretty great!

Now you somewhat understand my working atmosphere i will like to get going on my story! 

So i had to Coach a swim meet down in the salt lake valley in the distant district known as Cottonwood Heights.  I was pretty nervous because it was going to be me and the other assistant coach named Jill ( great gal ... taken ... ) and we were gonna be responsible for our team.  I was running late as normal thanks to the procrastinating genes as well i got lost ... thanks to the wonderful imap app on my iPod touch ... that brought me to an elementary school.  Luckily i called Jill and she helped me get out of the sticky situation.  

The meet was going great, Jill and I looked pretty official in our team polos and them clipboards.  People kept looking at us apparently according to Jill, I think it was because we looked fresh and hip.  I had a great time hanging out/ working with Jill.  She's a great gal, killer personality and might i add she is gorgeous.

Most of the guys at the Rec Center ( subtract the gays ... {not bashing gays, they're cool!}) are infatuated by Jill and constantly talk about her or talk to her, impress, flex, ect. I was talking to the shining nymph of the forsaken Rec Center! (no big deal.) 

Afterwards Steve, the Head Coach came in and took over so Jill and I got to leave early (Jill asked Steve if i could leave with her ;) ).  On the way out she was somewhat teasing me and the way i talked to myself ... don't ask.  But was it flirting?? ... my "being hit on" sensors were starting to tingle.  Jill offered to follow me to a gas station .. I was out of gas and she was worried if I would make it home.  As well, she was gonna guide me to the Freeway ... I get major lost when it's dark in Utah ... I get disoriented without the moutons to guide me.  Was she just being genuinely kind? or was interested in my well being due to have some sparks of a crush for me? beats me, but i hope its the second one.  It seems like a lot of effort she put in to be just friends but as you can tell, i made it home safely as i'm writing this update to the lame blog.  Sooo what do you think? flirt? or a good friend? .... Stayed tuned for more on the friend/love confused, secretly wanting a realtionship boy story ... thanks!

-I chase your love around a Figure 8.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

On a Wednesday, at a Cafe. I watched it Begin Again.

So. It has been a way long while since I've been on my blog. So i'm gonna retry and keep this up to date as possible!

Like most people this week, i as well bought the new Taylor Swift album, Red.  I have been eating ages for this album to come out! Boy, was i pleased with the outcome.  She expressed in her prologue that Red was a random spontaneous album about the quick fall in and fall out of love.  So there are great pop tracks, a dub step track, and many acoustic country ballads.  The lyrics really show her creative depth and her unique ability to paint a picture in your head.  Today she released her new video for her second single, "Begin Again".  It was one of my favorite tracks due to the lyrics.  All in all.  I highly recommend you buy this album.  You will thank me later ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Well today was a great day! Nate was on a Military leave/break thing for a bit so he came up to Logan to hangout with us today. He brought his lovely Swedish girlfriend, which we all like. We had a great time, we just chatted and caught up on each others life, especially Nate's and his experiences in the military.

I'll be honest, i could never endure and take what these guys dish out, so high respects for Nate on that. Especially the punishments. Nate was telling us about how he had to do intense 20 minute training/punishment over crossing his legs wrong. They make him go to a dirt pit, and do various, strenuous commands for 20 minutes. It sounds awful and how they treat you like dirt. Bleh.

Megan, Mel, Nate and his gf, and I went to the mall, chilled out and fed the ducks at 1st dam, and we finished our hangout at Rumbi (which was delicious i might say). All and all I had a great time hanging out with Nate. Hopefully we will be able to hangout with him again when he comes back for another break.

On sadder news, Megan E messed up her ankle while she was skateboarding so I had to drop off Megan K at the hospital to keep an eye on her. I hope all is well for Megan E. Oh actually just got a txt. She had a bone chip, sound gross and kinda painful. Well hope she gets well soon!
Oh! and I've fallen in love with country music! Especially with this dude Hunter Haynes music. His stuff is awesome, and it is the country i like to listen to.

- I Want You to Feel Wanted.