One Step Closer

One Step Closer

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gah Saturday! ... on brighter news

Well this weekend is General Conference, for those who don't know it is a large public broadcasting of our general authorities and our prophet. I honestly do like this weekend, but I do wish they were shorter. I love them and all, but I don't have the attention span to watch 10 hours worth of talks (priesthood session included). But i have enjoyed the sessions and the wise words they tell us. Oh oh! and i saw David Archuleta singing in the missionary choir! I thought it was pretty cool.

Between the breaks me and my dad were trying to get my car, Kyefin (Key-eh-fin), to pass inspection so he can get registered. Kyefin passed safety easily but he has a stupid engine light that will not go away. My dad has found a cool trick to keep it off and have it pass the tests, but this year Kyefin has been a drama queen. I drove about a 100 miles today with no avail. So sadly i don't think I will be able to drive this week. My dad will either have it repaired down here, or do the test again, but we are not sure. So wish me luck, hopefully we can get my car to be street legal once again. Oh and on better and brighter news, Megan E uploaded more photos of Levitation. I really love the one she did of herself, see for yourself!

- Do Your Duty Do Your Best, Let the Lord Do the Rest!

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